
Over 50% of individuals among those >20 years old, had unknown history of immunity

 In the multivariable regression models, vaccination was more common in younger ages (P < .0001), and in males compared to females (P = .0220), and in those with more education (P < .0001). The majority of the population was seropositive, and seropositivity increased with age. Older age groups were more likely to be protected because of previous natural infection, whereas younger age groups were protected by vaccination. There was inequity in vaccination coverage by gender, and maternal education status.inoculation with vaccine antigen on intracutaneous vaccination in rabbits].Vorimpfung mit Vaccineantigen auf die intracutane Pockenimpfung beim Kaninchen.vaccinated pigs to swine influenza viral proteins.infection has been diminished by the emergence of new subtypes and by antigenic drift within subtype. The intensive use of vaccination also has complicated interpretation of serology results. Serologic assays are needed that can detect infection regardless of subtype or antigenic variation and that can differentiate antibody induced by infection from that induced by vaccination. In vitamin d3 deficiency , the antibody responses to specific viral proteins in pigs infected by or vaccinated for SIV were characterized by Western immunoblot. Both IgM and IgG against hemagglutinin, nucleoprotein, NS1 and NS2 were detected in experimentally infected pigs by 7 days post inoculation (DPI). IgG against these proteins was still detectable at the end of the study (28 DPI). In contrast, IgG against neuraminidase and M1 was not detected until 14 DPI and no IgM against these proteins was detected. In vaccinated pigs, no antibody against NS1 was detected while antibody responses to other proteins were identical to those in exposed pigs. In conclusion, nucleoprotein may be a suitable antigen for use in a subtype-unrestricted serologic assay. NS1 protein may be suitable for a serologic assay that differentiates between infected and vaccinated pigs. following active immunization with rabbit thyroid extracts.latency-deficient recombinant murine γ-herpesvirus-68.establish lifelong latent infections, can reactivate in immunocompromised individuals, and are associated with the development of malignancies. Murine γ-herpesvirus-68 (γHV68), a rodent pathogen related to EBV and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, provides an important model to dissect mechanisms of immune control and investigate vaccine strategies. Infection of mice with γHV68 elicits robust antiviral immunity, and long-term protection from γHV68 reactivation requires both cellular and humoral immune responses. Vaccination of mice with AC-replication and transcription activator (RTA), a highly lytic latency-null recombinant γHV68, results in complete protection from wild-type γHV68 infection that lasts for at least 10 mo. In this report, we examine the immune correlates of AC-RTA-mediated protection and show that sterilizing immunity requires both T cells and Ab. Importantly, Ab was also critical for mitigating viral infection in the brain, and in the absence of Ab-mediated control, amplification of the AC-RTA virus in the brain resulted in fatality. Our results highlight important considerations in the development of vaccination strategies based on live-attenuated viruses.frequently defined as a first line of defense against pathogens. Mucosal protection generally operates through antibody-mediated and cytotoxic T-cell responses which can be triggered by mucosal vaccines. Sublingual vaccination provides many advantages such as systemic and mucosal responses (both locally and at remote mucosal sites), besides being a needle-free administration route with high patient compliance and limited adverse effects. Buccal mucosa complexity nonetheless represents a challenge for vaccine administration, hence, many efforts were recently deployed to improve vaccine components, mucoadhesion and/or penetration. Several innovative approaches indeed confirmed that a robust and protective immunity can be achieved by sublingual vaccines. This review will then specify the most recent delivery systems and improvements developed to increase sublingual vaccines efficiency. benefits vitamin d3 will focus our description on the immune mechanisms involved and the requirements for optimal sublingual immunization and passage du Vercors, 69367 Lyon Cedex 07, France.

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